ADEBAR Project

co-funded by 

Internal Security Fond of
the European Union


Retrieve the molecular structure of a synthetic cannabinoid using its semi-systematic name

Collections of building blocks

Build the molecular structure of a synthetic cannabinoid by selection pre-defined building blocks from the collections.



By uploading a MOL file, the molecular structure is imported directly into the Naming Tool.

Interactive Molecule

The molecular structure can be substituted at the core and tail. Changes made to the structure are interpreted in real time.

Naming Tool

A molecular structure can be generated using the search bar by selecting building blocks from the collections or importing a MOL file. If the synthetic cannabinoid has been detected in the EU before, additional information, i.e., the date of formal notification, IUPAC name, and other commonly used names, are displayed.

Structural elements which have appeared on the European drug market in each of the four groups of building blocks were listed in the publication "EMCDDA framework and practical guidance for naming synthetic cannabinoids". Updated versions of the individual tables can be downloaded below.   


The web-based naming tool was developed and funded collaboratively by the ADEBAR project, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), and Sciformation Consulting. The previously developed EMCDDA framework on naming synthetic cannabinoids is the basis for the tool, allowing for quick and easy retrieval of semi-systematic names.